JAKARTA, POSKOTA.CO.ID - Simak lirik lagu Don’t Go Away - Oasis besrta makna dan terjemahanny berikut ini.
Lagu Don’t Go Away - Oasis dirilis pada 21 Desember 1997 silam. Lagu ini masuk dalam album yang bertajuk ‘Be Here Now’ yang berisi 40 trek lagu.
Lagu Don’t Go Away diciptakan oleh Noel Gallagher. Lagu ini mengandung kesedihan yang mendalam, terkait persaan seseorang yang tak ingin kehilangan sosok yang sangat berharga di hidupnya.
Kabarnya, lagu Don’t Go Away terinspirasi dari kisah kelam Liam Gallagher dan Noel yang pernah menyaksikan sang ibunda terpaksa harus menjalani perawatan medis di rumah sakit lantaran mengidap penyakit kanker.
Sebagai anak, tentu Noel dan Liam khawatir akan kehilangan ibunya sehingga tercetuslah lagu Don’t Go Away yang membuat tangisan para pendengarnya pecah karena liriknya yang begitu menyentuh pikiran dan perasaan atau bahkan relate dengan kehidupannya.
Lirik Lagu Don’t Go Away - Oasis
Cold and frosty morning, there's not a lot to say
About the things caught in my mind
And as the day was dawning, my plane flew away
With all the things caught in my mind
I don't wanna be there when you're coming down
I don't wanna be there when you hit the ground
So don't go away, say what you say
Say that you'll stay forever and a day
In the time of my life 'cause I need more time
Yes, I need more time just to make things right
Damn, my situation and the games I have to play
With all the things caught in my mind
Damn, my education, I can't find the words to say
With all the things caught in my mind
And I wanna be there when you're, coming down
And I do wanna be there when you hit the ground
So don't go away, say what you say
Say that you'll stay forever and a day
In the time of my life 'cause I need more time
Yes, I need more time just to make things right
Me and you, what's going on?
All we seem to know is how to show the feelings that are wrong
So don't go away, say what you say
Say that you'll stay forever and a day
In the time of my life 'cause I need more time
Yes, I need more time just to make things right
And don't go away, say what you say
Say that you'll stay forever and a day
In the time of my life 'cause I need more time
Yes, I need more time just to make things right
Yes, I need more time just to make things right
Yes, I need more time just to make things right
So don't go away
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