Lirik lagu That's Christmas to Me - Pentatonix. (Instagram/@ptxofficial)


Lirik Lagu That's Christmas to Me - Pentatonix, Ceritakan Indahnya hari Natal yang Hangat dan penuh Sukacita

Selasa 26 Des 2023, 14:21 WIB

JAKARTA, POSKOTA.CO.ID- Lagu That’s Christmas to Me milik Pentatonix kerap menjadi langganan pendengar musik untuk disetel saat hari raya Natal tiba. 

That’s Christmas to Me yang dirilis pada 2014 ini memang menceritakan tentang hangat dan sukacita di hari Natal.

Lagu That’s Christmas to Me milik Pentatonix ini pun, masuk dalam album studio ketiga mereka dengan judul yang sama.

Pentatonix sendiri merupakan grup acapella terpopuler asal Amerika Serikat yang terkenal membawakan lagu-lagu tema natal dengan aransemen yang menarik. 

Nah, berikut ini lirik lagu That’s Christmas to Me dari Pentatonix yang cocok untuk menemani perayaan Natal kamu.

The fireplace is burning bright, shining all on me

I see the presents underneath the good old Christmas tree

And I wait all night 'til Santa comes to wake me from my dreams

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

I see the children play outside, like angels in the snow

While mom and daddy share a kiss under the mistletoe

And we'll cherish all these simple things wherever we may be

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

I've got this Christmas song in my heart (song in my heart)

I've got the candles glowing in the dark (oh ahh)

I'm hanging all the stockings by the Christmas tree

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

I listen for the thud of reindeer walking on the roof

As I fall asleep to lullabies, the morning's coming soon

The only gift I'll ever need is the joy of family

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

I've got this Christmas song in my heart (song in my heart)

I've got the candles glowing in the dark (oh ahh)

I'm hanging all the stockings by the Christmas tree

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

Oooh oh oh oh

Oooh oh oh oh

Oh, the joy that fills our hearts and makes us see

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

I've got this Christmas song in my heart

I've got the candles glowing in the dark

And then for years to come we'll always know one thing

That's the love that Christmas can bring

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

Demikian lirik lagu That’s Christmas to Me dari grup acapella Pentatonix yang cocok untuk menemani perayaan hari Natal kamu bersama orang terkasih.

Lagu tema Natallirik laguPentatonixLirik lagu tema Natal


