Synchronize Fest 2022 Gandeng 126 Musisi, Simak Line Up Lengkapnya Yuk!

Kamis 11 Agu 2022, 19:05 WIB
Line up Synchronize Fest 2022. (Instagram/@synchronizefest)

Line up Synchronize Fest 2022. (Instagram/@synchronizefest)

117. The Groove bersama Rieka Roslan, Yuke Sampurna & Ali Akbar

118. The Adams

119. The Panturas

120. The Rang-rangs

121. The Upstair

122. Tipe-X

123. Tulus

124. Yura yunita

125. Rizkia Laras

126. Kara Cheona

Nah, itu dia deretan line up Synchronize Fest 2022, semoga bermanfaat.(*)

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