[Verse 1: Emily Armstrong]
This is the letter that I, I didn't write
(Inilah surat yang aku, aku tidak pernah tulis)
Lookin' for color in the black and white
(Mencari warna dalam hitam dan putih)
Skyscrapers we created on shaky ground
(Gedung-gedung tinggi yang kita bangun di atas tanah yang goyah)
And I'm tryna find my patience
(Dan aku mencoba menemukan kesabaranku
[Chorus: Emily Armstrong]
But you won't let me breathe
(Tapi kamu tak membiarkanku bernapas)
And I'm not ever right
(Dan aku tak pernah benar)
All we are is talkin'
(Yang kita lakukan hanya bicara)
Over each other
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
There's nothin' underneath
(Tak ada apa-apa di bawahnya)
It's all a waste of time
(Semuanya hanya buang-buang waktu)
All we are is talkin'
(Yang kita lakukan hanya bicara)
Over each other (Over each other)
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
Verse 2: Emily Armstrong]
Reaching for satellites, but all along
(Menggapai satelit, tapi selama ini)
Under your breath, you're sayin' that I was wrong, oh
(Di bawah napasmu, kau berkata aku salah)
The skyscrapers we created are comin' down
(Gedung-gedung tinggi yang kita bangun runtuh)
And free-fallin' to the pavement
(Dan jatuh bebas ke trotoar)
[Chorus: Emily Armstrong]
'Cause you won't let me breathe
(Karena kamu tak membiarkanku bernapas)
And I'm not ever right
(Dan aku tak pernah benar)
All we are is talkin'
(Yang kita lakukan hanya bicara)
Over each other (Over each other)
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
There's nothin' underneath
(Tak ada apa-apa di bawahnya)
It's all a waste of time
(Semuanya hanya buang-buang waktu)
All we are is talkin'
(Yang kita lakukan hanya bicara)
Over each other (Oh)
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
Bridge: Emily Armstrong]
Are we over each other? (Oh)
(Apakah kita sudah saling selesai?)
Are we over each other? (Oh)
(Apakah kita sudah saling selesai?)
[Chorus: Emily Armstrong]
I can't go to sleep
(Aku tak bisa tidur)
I lie awake at night
(Aku terjaga di malam hari)
I'm so tired of talkin'
(Aku lelah bicara)
Over each other (Over each other)
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
So say what's underneath
(Jadi katakanlah apa yang tersembunyi)
I wanna see your side
(Aku ingin melihat dari sisi kamu)
We don't have to be talkin'
(Kita tak harus saling bicara)
Over each other (Over each other)
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
Over each other
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
Over each other
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
Over each other
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
Over each other
(Saling memotong satu sama lain)
[Outro: Mike Shinoda, Dave Farrell & Joe Hahn]
You got it
(Kamu berhasil)
That's the one
(Itu dia)
Are you recording this?
(Apakah kamu merekam ini?)
Can you get your screaming pants on?
(Bisakah kamu bersiap untuk berteriak?)
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