Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu 'Walking In the Wind' - One Direction, Menceritakan Kerinduan Terhadap Seseorang yang Telah Pergi

Kamis 17 Okt 2024, 19:13 WIB
Lirik lagu 'Walking In the Wind' - One Direction dan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia (Foto/Pinterest)

Lirik lagu 'Walking In the Wind' - One Direction dan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia (Foto/Pinterest)

POSKOTA.CO.ID - Simak lirik lagu 'Walking In the Wind' yang dipopulerkan oleh One Direction, beserta terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dalam artikel Poskota berikut ini.

Walking in the Wind sendiri merupakan trek bonus yang disertakan dalam edisi mewah album Made in the AM, dan dirilis secara global pada 13 November 2015 silam.

Lagu ini ditulis oleh Harry Styles, Julian Bunetta, John Ryan, dan Jamie Scott. Dalam wawancaranya, Harry mengungkapkan bahwa ia terinspirasi oleh karya Paul Simon, khususnya album Graceland, saat menciptakan dan merekam lagu ini.

Liriknya menggambarkan perjalanan untuk move on dari seseorang yang telah pergi, sambil merindukan mereka dan berharap akan ada kesempatan untuk bertemu kembali di masa depan.

Lantas, seperti apakah lirik dan terjemahan dari lagu 'Walking In the Wind' milik One Direction? Yuk, simak informasi selengkapnya berikut ini.


A week ago you said to me "Do you believe I'll never be too far?" If you're lost, just look for me You'll find me in the region of the summer stars

The fact that we can sit right here and say goodbye Means we've already won A necessity for apologies between you and me Baby, there is none

We had some good times, didn't we? We had some good tricks up our sleeve Goodbyes are bittersweet But it's not the end I'll see your face again

And you will find me Yeah, you will find me In places that we've never been For reasons we don't understand Walking in the wind Walking in the wind

Yesterday I went out to celebrate the birthday of a friend But as we raised our glasses up to make a toast I realised you were missing

We had some good times, didn't we? We wore our hearts out on our sleeve Goodbyes are bittersweet But it's not the end I'll see your face again

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