Lirik Lagu I Think They Call This Love Milik Elliot James Reay yang Viral di TikTok Ini Cocok Buat yang Sedang Jatuh Cinta

Rabu 09 Okt 2024, 23:21 WIB
Lirik lagu I Think They Call This Love milik Elliot James Reay yang menggugah rasa cinta. (X/@abnormallykenz)

Lirik lagu I Think They Call This Love milik Elliot James Reay yang menggugah rasa cinta. (X/@abnormallykenz)

POSKOTA.CO.ID – Lagu viral I Think They Call This Love dinyanyikan oleh musisi asal Inggris, Elliot James Reay telah meraih popularitas besar di berbagai platform media sosial.

Viral di TikTok, lagu ini dirilis pada 17 Juli 2024, dan dengan cepat menarik perhatian banyak pendengar. Bahkan, lagu ini telah mencapai 2,7 juta views di YouTube @Elliot James Reay.

Meski memiliki lirik yang terkesan sederhana, namun ternyata mampu menggambarkan perasaan jatuh cinta yang mendalam dan tulus.

Dan itulah yang membuatnya dirasakan oleh banyak orang yang sedang merasakan getaran cinta, hingga membuat lagu milik Elliot James Reay ini lebih dikenal pecinta musik.

Lirik Lagu I Think They Call This Love

They say, you know when you know

So let's face it, you had me at hello

Hesitation never helps

How could this be anything, anything else?

When all I dream of is your eyes

All I long for is your touch

And darlin', something tells me that's enough, mmm

You can say that I'm a fool

And I don't know very much

But I think they call this love

One smile, one kiss, two lonely hearts is all that it takes

Now, baby, you're on my mind, every night, every day

Good vibrations getting loud

How could this be anything, anything else?

When all I dream of is your eyes

All I long for is your touch

And darlin', something tells me that's enough, mmm

You can say that I'm a fool

And I don't know very much

But I think they call this love

Oh, I think they call this love, ooh

What could this be

Between you and me? Oh

Oh, all I dream of is your eyes

All I long for is your touch

And darlin', something tells me, tells me it's enough, mmm

You can say that I'm a fool

And I don't know very much

But I think they call-

Oh, I think they call-

Yes, I think they call this love

This love

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