JAKARTA, POSKOTA.CO.ID - Simak makna dan lirik lagu Married with Children berikut ini.
Lagu Married with Children yang dipopulerkan Oasis dirilis pada 1994 silam yang dimuat dalam albumnya yang bertajuk ‘Definitely Maybe’.
Menelisik lirik lagu Married with Children, lagu ini mengisahkan seseorang yang merasa tidak bebas atau terkekang ketika menjalani hubungan asmara.
Menurutnya, memutuskan hidup sendiri adalah hal yang dibutuhkan untuk melepas penat dari hiruk pikuk kisah cinta yang tidak seindah dibanyangkan
Lagu ini membawa para pendengar menyadari bahwa kekecewaan itu sebaiknya dilepaskan, bukan diteruskan.
Lirik Lagu Married with Children
There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye I'm going home
I hate the way that even though you know you're wrong
You say you're right
I hate the books you read and all your friends
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all night
There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye I'm going home
I hate the way that you are so sarcastic
And you're not very bright
You think that everything you've done's fantastic
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all night
And it will be nice to be alone
For a week or two
But I know then I will be right
Right back here with you
There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye I'm going home
Sekian informasi terkait lirik lagu Married With Children yang dapat kamu simak, selamat mendengarkan di platform musik kesayanganmu.