Lirik Lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan, Tidak Ingin Jatuh Sendirian

Rabu 29 Nov 2023, 15:12 WIB
Lirik Lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan, Tidak Ingin Jatuh Sendirian (Foto Seleb Secrets)

Lirik Lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan, Tidak Ingin Jatuh Sendirian (Foto Seleb Secrets)

JAKARTA, POSKOTA.CO.ID - Simak lirik lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan yang sempat viral di TikTok berikut ini.

Lirik Lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan memilik kesan yang begitu berarti bagi pendengarnya, khususnya yang sedang jatuh cinta namun belum terbalaskan.

Lagu Fall In Love Alone dirilis pada tahun 2022 lalu dan berhasil didengar jutaan pendengar di dunia lantaran viral di berbagai media sosial, salah satunya TikTok.

Dalam penggelan lirik 'Cause I don't really wanna lose a good friend, but I might find something divine' seolah menandakan bahwa seseorang jatuh cinta dengan sahabatnya.

Namun seseorang itu tidak berani mengungkapkannya karena khawatir malah menjadi masalah di antara keduanya itu yang nantinya justru menciptakan jarak.

Berikut lirik lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan yang dapat kamu simak dan hafalkan.

Lirik Lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan

I'm familiar with unrequited
I know you got a heart that's undecided
Just like mine, it takes its sweet time
I've been shy to dive into the deep end
'Cause I don't really wanna lose a good friend
But I might find something divine

It's electric every time we touch
I've been livin' for this head rush
But sometimes it's too much

If we never try
How will we know
Baby, how far this thing could go?
Give me a sign
If I'm on your mind
I don't wanna fall in love alone

I wish that I could tell what you were thinkin'
I hate that I slip up when I've been drinkin'
But oh well, I can't help myself

I'm gettin' really tired of this back and forth
Why don't we just give in to this driving force?
I mean, there's somethin' between us

It's electric every time we touch
I've been livin' for this head rush
But sometimes it's too much

If we never try
How will we know
Baby, how far this thing could go?
Give me a sign
If I'm on your mind (you know that you're on my mind)
I don't want to fall in love alone (I don't wanna fall in love alone)

If we never try (I don't want to fall in love alone)
How will we know (without you)
Baby, how far this thing could go? (Just how far this thing will go)
Give me a sign (give me a sign, give me a sign)
If I'm on your mind
I don't wanna fall in love alone, ooh

Fall, I don't wanna fall
I don't wanna fall in love alone (you just need to be right here next to me)
Fall, I don't wanna fall (next to me, next to me)
I don't wanna fall in love alone (I don't wanna live without you baby, anymore)

Fall, I don't wanna fall (anymore)
I don't wanna fall in love alone (I, I, I can't be alone)
Fall, I don't wanna fall
I don't wanna fall in love alone

Sekian informasi seputar lirik lagu Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan yang dapat kamu simak, selamat mendengarkan.

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