Lirik Lagu Blindside James Arthur, Single Terbaru yang Resmi Dirilis

Senin 07 Agu 2023, 17:35 WIB
Lirik lagu Blindside James Arthur. (Instagram/@jamesarthur23)

Lirik lagu Blindside James Arthur. (Instagram/@jamesarthur23)

'Cause you caught me on my blindside
Right place at the wrong time
And I don't wanna love the ghost of you
'Cause you caught me on my blindside
You were once in a lifetime
Why do we love the ones that we lose?
I'm haunted by the ghost of you (ooh, ooh)
I'm haunted by the ghost of you (ooh, ooh)

Nah, itu dia lirik lagu Blindside James Arthur yang sudah resmi dirilis.

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