Jelang Debut Solo Jungkook BTS, Ini Lirik Lagunya dan Charlie Puth Berjudul ‘Left and Right’

Jumat 30 Jun 2023, 16:40 WIB
Lirik Lagu Left and Right - Jungkook BTS feat Charlie Puth (Instagram/bts.jungkook)

Lirik Lagu Left and Right - Jungkook BTS feat Charlie Puth (Instagram/bts.jungkook)

JAKARTA, POSKOTA.CO.ID - Berikut ini ada lirik lagu Left and Right yang merupakan kolaborasi antara Jungkook BTS dan Charlie Puth.

Lagu Left and Right dari Jungkook BTS dan Charlie Puth ini dirilis pada Jumat, 24 Juni 2022 lalu. Ada pun kala itu, penggemar keduanya menyambut dengan antusias kolaborasi Jungkook dan Charlie Puth.

Bahkan hingga saat ini, lagu mereka berdua masih viral dan banyak diperdengarkan di berbagai layanan streaming musik. Berikut adalah lirik lagu Left and Right milik Jungkook BTS dan Charlie Puth.

Jelang debut solo Jungkook BTS pada Juli 2023 mendatang. Mari kita dengarkan dan hafalkan lagu lain yang dinyanyikan Jungkook.


Memories follow me left and right I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here You take up every corner of my mind (what you gon' do now?)

Ever since the d-day y-you went away (no, I don't know how) How to erase your body from out my brain (what you gon' do now?) Maybe I should just focus on me instead (but all I think about) Are the nights we were tangled up in your bed

Oh no (oh no) Oh no (oh no) You're goin' 'round in circles Got you stuck up in my head, yeah

Memories follow me left and right I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here You take up every corner of my mind

Your love stays with me day and night I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here You take up every corner of my mind (what you gon' do now?)

Ever since the d-day y-you went away (someone tell me how) How much more do I gotta drink for the pain (what you gon' do now?) You did things to me that I just can't forget (now all I think about) Are the nights we were tangled up in your bed

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