JAKARTA, POSKOTA.CO.ID - Nama Rahmania Astrini kini menjadi topik hangat perbincangan netizen di media sosial usai pengumuman resmi soal dirinya yang menjadi special guest di konser Coldplay di Jakarta.
Rahmania Astrini memulai kariernya di Industri musik pada 2017 silam lewat singel perdana bertajuk 'Menua Bersama'. Kemudian di tahun ini, ia kembali merilis lagu berjudul 'nobody but you' pada 24 Februari 2023 lalu.
Penyanyi cantik yang dipilih menjadi special guest ini memiliki mini album 'Adolescent' yang berisikan enam lagu berbahasa Inggris yang dirilis pada 2021. Kira-kira lagu seperti apa yang akan dibawakan oleh Rahmania Astrini sebagai special guest Coldplay di Jakarta?
Sebelum itu, mari simak lirik lagu 'nobody but you' milik Rahmania Astrini di bawah ini.
nobody but you - Rahmania Astrini (LIRIK)
Didn't know how this started
Wouldn't dare to imagine that this could be real
It's been a minute since I met you
But your smile lingers on and on and on and on
Can you tell me how?
Or can you tell me now
Just let me go
I... I can stay forever more
But tell me things, ensure me
Cause I can't keep on guessing the signs
Making this right, staying up all night
If it's not you, then it's nobody
Nobody else but you u u
You u u
If it's not you, then it's nobody
Nobody else but you u u
You u u
When we touch the whole world stops
Look in my eyes
Tell me we have all the time we need
And all the right to feel
This reckless
I'm helpless
I just can't stop thinking 'bout what we could've been
Cause I can't keep on playing on this game we play
I can't keep on running these miles over you
I... I can stay forever more
But tell me things, ensure me
Cause I can't keep on guessing the signs
Making this right, staying up all night
If it's not you, then it's nobody
Nobody else but you u u
You u u
No o, no
Nobody else but you u u
You u u
So please, let it be you