Persiapan Jelang Konser di Jakarta, Ini Lirik Lagu ‘High School in Jakarta’ - NIKI, Wajib Hafalkan!

Minggu 21 Mei 2023, 18:15 WIB
Lirik Lagu High School In Jakarta - NIKI (Instagram/nikizefanya)

Lirik Lagu High School In Jakarta - NIKI (Instagram/nikizefanya)

JAKARTA, POSKOTA.CO.ID -  Jelang persiapan konser Niki Zefanya alias NIKI di Jakarta pada September mendatang, berikut ada lirik lagu High School in Jakarta - NIKI, lagu andalan di album Nicole.

Lirik lagu High School in Jakarta dari NIKI mengandung makna dalam yang menceritakan kilas balik masa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) NIKI kala itu.

Makna lirik lagu High School in Jakarta - NIKI secara keseluruhan bercerita tentang percintaan ala anak remaja yang terjadi saat SMA.

Di lagu ini, NIKI juga sedikit menyinggung mengenai tahun 2013 sebagai tahun dirinya lulus dari sekolah menengah atas.

Berikut lirik lagu High School in Jakarta - NIKI yang wajib kamu hafalkan agat saat konser nanti dapat bernyanyi bersama.


Didn’t you hear Amanda’s moving back to Colorado?
It’s 2013 & the end of my life
Freshman year’s about to plummet just a little harder 
But it didn’t cause we kissed on that Halloween night 

I bleached half my hair when I saw Zoe on your Vespa
It was orange from 3% peroxide, thanks to you
I needed a good cry, I headed right to Kendra’s
I hated you and I hoped to God that you knew

Now there’s drama (drama)
Found a club for that
Where I met ya (met ya)
Had a heart attack
Yadda yadda 
At the end, yeah we burned, made a couple U-turns, you were it til you weren’t

High school in Jakarta, sorta modern Sparta
Had no chance against the teenage suburban armadas
We were a sonata, thanks to tight-lipped fathers
Yeah living under that was hard, but I loved you harder
High school in Jakarta, an elaborate saga
I still hate you for making me wish I came out smarter
You love/hate your mother, so do I 
Could’ve ended different, then again we went to high school in Jakarta

Got a group assignment, I’ll be at Vall’s place
You don’t text at all and only call when you’re off your face 
I’m petty and say, “Call me when you’re not unstable”
I lie and tell you I’ll be getting drunk at Rachel’s

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