Mulai Hari Ini, Ratusan Tempat Usaha Jor-joran Diskon

Jumat 14 Agu 2020, 05:05 WIB
Mal di Bekasi.

Mal di Bekasi.

72. *WOOD*/ SALE up to 70% OFF/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide

73. *LE COQ SPORTIF*/ SALE up to 70% OFF/ 17-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide

74. *LEE*/ Special Price Tees starts from IDR 149,900/(14 - 31 Aug)/ All stores nationwide

75. *MINIMAL*/1 - 31 Agustus 20/Buy 1 Get 1 Free, selected items, syarat dan ketentuan berlaku/Seluruh Minimal Store di Indonesia

76. *LGS*/14-30 Aug up to 70% selected item. All stores.

77. *CENTRO DEPARTMENT STORE* / Merdeka Sale Up to 70%+5% selected item, Special Price Rp.75.000 Casual wear/ all store centro

78. *THE PALACE*/ 14-30 Agutsus 2020/Diskon 10% selected item S n K berlaku/ The Palace Tokopedia

79. *SALT N PEPPER*/14-15 Agustus & 21-24 Agustus/Discount Up To 75% selected item/Seluruh Toko di Indonesia

80. *STACCATO*/14-17 Agustus 2020 /Min. purchase of IDR 1.7 mio, get 45% off on regular price items only T&C Apply / Seluruh Staccato Concept Stores

81. *BIRKENSTOCK*/14-20 Agustus 2020 / 1st item get 17%off, 2nd item get 20%off, 3rd item get 30%off on regular price items only T&C Apply/ Seluruh Birkenstock Concept Stores

82. *DR. MARTENS*/14-20 Agusts 2020/Min. purchase of IDR 2.5mio, get 17% off on selected items T&C Apply/ seluruh Dr. Martens concept stores

83. *CLARKS*/14-20 Agustus 2020/SALE UP TO 70%off and additional 17% off on selected items T&C Apply / Seluruh Clarks Concept Stores

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